HNC · Health Business Innovation Forum · Guangzhou 2023

Natural & Nutraceutical Products China Shenzhen 2022


During April 12-13, 2023, the two-dayHNC · Health Business Innovation Forum · Guangzhou 2023: Health Brand Marketing Practical Application Forum 2023 came to a successful conclusion at Guangzhou Baiyun Hotel. The forum was co-hosted by CCCMHPIE and Sinoexpo Informa Markets, attracting professionals from industry, academia, research and business fields, with nearly a thousand people attending the event. With “Health Brand Marketing & Innovation Application” as the core main forum, “Innovative Exploration of Probiotics and Innovative Functional Foods” and “Digital Era of Healthy Beauty – the Same Origin of Cosmetics and Food” were two sub-forums, filled with a stream of exciting perspectives on the trends and practical experience.



4.12 Main Forum

Gaining Insight into the Trends in the Health Industry

& Focusing on Brand Growth Across the Board

In the epidemic and post-epidemic era, nutritional and health food, as a line of defence for human health, have a growing market demand for immune enhancement, weight control, emotion management, beauty and skin care, and other aspects. As the world’s major consumer and producer, China has achieved both import and export growth in 2022. According to customs data from CCCMHPIE, China’s total import and export of nutritional and health food in 2022 was US$9.126 billion, of which the import value was US$5.94 billion, a year-on-year increase of 14.60%, and the export value was US$3.186 billion, a year-on-year increase of 21.87%.
From the perspective of future development trends, although the global economic development is full of uncertainties, the nutrition and health industry is closely related to human health. In the post-epidemic era, the market will show the globalization of supply chains, digitalization of enterprises, segmentation of product function demands, and professionalism, continuing to maintain development vitality.
At the main forum of “Health Brand Marketing & Innovation Application“, front-line traders from mainstream e-commerce companies such as Tencent Advertising, Douyin E-commerce, and Xiaohongshu, as well as marketing experts, shared their experiences and their ideas on the trends and channel growth strategies in the health industry in 2023. Jiang Ligang, the former Chief R&D Officer of Proya and the founder of Hangzhou Ruiyan, and Cong Chengcheng, the product manager of Baihe Biotechnology Co., Ltd., respectively centered on the innovative technology of cosmetic raw materials, the experience in innovative popular products, and the suggestions on how technology could drive growth. The well-known speakers, through their sharing of practical information, brought forward-looking industry perspectives and innovative practical experience to 600+ attendees.
Furthermore, the industry leaders from China Food and Drug Corporation Quality and Safety Promotion Association, Health Care Food Profession Association of Guangdong Province, Sub-Chamber of Cosmetics, CCCMHPIE, Guangdong Chain Operations Association, Guangdong edible Fungi Association, Shenzhen Association for the Development & Promotion of Health Industry, etc also attended the forum to witness the development vitality of the health industry in Greater Bay Area.


4.13 Two Sub-Forums

Grasping New Trends

& Discussing Digital Innovations


At the sub-forums, well-known health food and beauty brand enterprises such as H&H Group, ffit8, Fonterra, Amway, Boohee, Meihua, Wecare Probiotics, IDP, FN Biotech, 3INS, Xindai, etc., first-line data institutions such as MarketIDX, Guoji · Feigua, as well as industry organizations and institutions shared data analyses and innovative practices around hot topics such as probiotics & functional food innovation, digital trends of healthy cosmetics, etc.


HNC · Health Business Innovation Forum


HNC · Health Business Innovation Forum is a brand marketing conference for the health industry created by HNC by taking advantage of the exhibition platform. Since its establishment, it has aimed to focus on the characteristics of the health industry and corporate pain points in different regions, and to discuss topics of concern to brand companies, including the insights into consumer demand, brand marketing strategies, product capabilities, operational efficiency, marketing data analyses, pain points of new media communication, etc. HNC · Health Business Innovation Forum continuously helps health companies solve current problems in marketing, develop new ideas, improve marketing capabilities, and optimize business models, to achieve long-term growth.


In the future, HNC · Health Business Innovation Forum will continue to provide a professional and equal two-way communication platform for industry colleagues to promote high-quality and efficient industry exchanges. We sincerely invite more upstream and downstream partners in the health industry to jointly grasp the direction of the industry to realize common development and prosperity!
